Clinics We Offer
- Baby Clinic- Six week checks every Tuesday
- Antenatal Clinic- Monday by appointment
- Family Planning- Any nurse clinic
- New Patient Health Checks- Are not being conducted at present due to the effects of COVID-19
- Nurse Clinics- Monday to Friday for chronic diseases, family planning and sexual health, vaccinations, dressings, lifestyle and dietary advice
- Healthy Lifestyle Advice - Find your ideal weight with the nurse
- Help with Addiction – see the nurse/healthcare assistant
- Cervical Smear Tests- every three years with the nurse
- Breast Checks and Cancer Awareness– with the doctor/nurse
- Contraceptive Advice– including family planning and morning after pill. See the nurse or Family Planning Clinic, pharmacist or doctor
- Pregnancy Tests- abortion advice also available via the pharmacist/nurse
- Starting a Family- advice before you get pregnant with the nurse/health visitor
- Baby and Child Care– including family diet and excise, childhood immunisation, baby checks and hearing tests. Advice available from the health visitors
(020 7739 1972/8859), at the Baby Clinic and from the nurse - Phlebotomy Service: We have our own experienced phlebotomist to run phlebotomy clinic in our practice.
- Blood pressure and general checks– with the nurse/healthcare assistant
- Dressings, Removal of Stitches and Incontinence– see the nurse
- Psychologist- By appointment via GP
- Sexual Diseases, HIV/AIDS– see the doctor/nurse or visit the Ambrose King Centre, telephone 020 7377 7307